
Friday, November 7, 2014

2014 Holiday Workshop - TAGS!

I have had so much fun this week participating as a student
in the 2014 Holiday Card Workshop!
Today it's all about TAGS! 
You know how much I enjoy making tags.

The instructors, once again, showed us some very
good ideas for tag designs.
They have done a tremendous job all week
sharing their knowledge with us
and walking us through step by step 
with PDF instruction sheets and videos.

Here are 3 of the tags I made this morning.
(There are more on my desk not pictured here.)

The first one is a simple cut out tag.
The second two have pattern paper behind the cut out 
adhered with foam tape for a 3D affect.

I have more posts that went up this morning, so be sure to scroll down to see
more projects being created in my craft room.

Enjoy your Friday and your weekend!

If you have been following along with my blog this week,
you know I have been worried about our dog, Ginger,
who has not been herself this week, not eating or drinking well, and limping.
Yesterday she showed a great improvement,
and today, even more improvement.
She may be back to her ole self this weekend.

Smiles & Hugs all around,
:) Janis


  1. Love your tags, and so happy to hear that your dog is improving each day.

  2. Great tags! I can't believe how quickly you created them.

  3. Love these tags Janis! You will be all ready for Christmas with these tags. Hugs, Brenda

  4. These are great tags Janis! You did a great job with the easy, medium and more detailed tags! Happy to hear your dog is getting better too, never fun when they are under the weather.

  5. Love the way your tags came out....I really liked today's lesson!

  6. Glad to hear that your dog is doing better.

  7. These are adorable!! Great choice of patterns and I love how you added the bling and sequins! Hugs!!

  8. I saw your post on Google+ when I was scrolling down. I had to come over and Pin it! Wonderul idea!!
