
Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's December 31, 2011. The last day of this year. This year has flown by! If you are out with friends tonight, please be careful on the roads - you know there are a lot of people out there who take chances when driving.

Project #378 of this year
A2 size card ( 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" )
Background papers from Recollections "All Girl" stack.
HELLO KITTY GREETINGS used for Cupcake cut @ 3 1/2".
ELEGANT EDGES for sentiment cut "Clover" using Oblong feature cut @ 2" and trimmed at the bottom to flush it with background matting.
"Sweet!" sentiment stamp from CARDZ TV STAMPS set "Make A Wish".

Well, I did it! I made at least 365 projects this year. Actually, I ended up making 395 total. Can you believe that? I'm so happy about that. I know it's a silly thing, but it was a goal and one of my resolutions for 2011. 

:) Janis


  1. such a pretty card... I love it.
    Congrats on reaching your goal this year.

  2. Wow! First congratulations on making your goal, actually exceeding your goal. Way to go! I feel lucky if I get a card or two made each weekend. Work sure interferes with the fun things in life. All that being said, your cupcake card is just too cute. I love it. Hope you and your family have a great New Year!

  3. Happy New Year! Very cute hoo...i dont have this cart....I love your birthday card series!
