
Sunday, February 13, 2011


If you are here for the
Blog Hop,

I have a friend in the Cricut Circle who had enough Reward Points to get DESIGNER CALENDAR for free, and she didn't want it.  So she ordered it and had them ship it directly to me.  I offered to pay for the shipping (and mailed it immediately) so it truly wouldn't cost her anything.  It came in the mail yesterday!  I had been tracking it on line and knew FedEx would be coming.  So when the doorbell rang, I yelled, "FedEx is here!"  I opened the box and showed my hubby and said, "Look!  My new cart!"  He answered, "You're so weird."  LOL I get so excited about crafting stuff.

We have a countdown magnet calendar on the frig.  I got a magnet roll from Michael's and my hubby, Tom, sat there and wrote with a white paint pen numbers for the days and the month names.  He had it all on the frig lined up but without a grid.  Each day our daughter, Bonnie, takes down the day before so we can see how many days left until we move back to Alaska.  It's a lot of fun.

The first thing I did when my DESIGNER'S CALENDAR came in was to make a grid for the frig to put the magnet days in.  I'm very pleased with how easy and fast it was to do this.  This cart is spectacular.

Here is the BEFORE and AFTER pictures:

The grid was cut with Recollections red paper @ 5".  The pink background and green icon cuts are also Recollections paper.  The icon shapes on some of the days were cut @ 1".

The bridge on the frig is from DESTINATIONS, and the lizard is from LIFE IS A BEACH.  The paper frame magnet picture of me and Tom is my favorite picture I have of us.  It's us in Alaska last year.  My sweet friend, Mary of CARDZ TV, printed that picture of us and made that frame herself.  I feel and see all the love she put into that project.  She mailed it to me in December as a surprise.  I had no idea it was coming.  I almost cried when I opened it.  I LOVE SURPRISES!  And I LOVE getting mail!!

Have a restful Sunday.  We are going to the park later to enjoy this low 70's weather, and then to the mall to get Bonnie some more LEGOS.  


  1. I get excited about crafting stuff too! Enjoy, that is a great cartridge!


  2. Wow! How cool is your countdown calendar and they grid just makes it that much clearer how many days :) All the awesomeness from the crafting community is shown here in this post....cartridges from ladies with points who don't want them and that amazing frame! And yes, surprises and mail are a WONDERFUL combination.

    Big hugs, Heather

  3. such a cute cartridge! i hope this is the right place to comment. im the only one :(

  4. This is such a GRAND idea! I just love the way the grid looks and love the colors that you selected for the grids. The bridge looks awesome and I just love the frame Mary made for you! I wonder what cartridge she used?
    You are always so creative and have amazing talent, Janis!
    I hope Tom is feeling better soon!
